A Place in the Middle


Directed and Produced by Emmy Award-winners Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson, A PLACE IN THE MIDDLE brings an enlightened Hawaiian perspective to efforts to create welcoming and inclusive schools and communities for children of all ages. This 25 minute film, adapted from the PBS Independent Lens feature documentary KUMU HINA, approaches diversity and cultural preservation in a kid-friendly way by telling the story through the youth's own point of view and colorful animation.

This website contains everything you need to bring A PLACE IN THE MIDDLE to your classroom, school or community: the complete film, short clips, discussion guides for use both within Hawai'i and outside, and links to state and national educational standards that the film can help to fulfill. Please feel free to share these free resources with your colleagues, and to let us know about your experiences with the film and anything we can do to improve the project. We'd love to hear from you.